The year is 2055, more than thirty years after the events of Zero Hour, Earth suffers a catastrophic collision with meteorites. The world is thrown into turmoil as large swathes of land are annihilated. Four factions, the ADF (Asian Democratic Federation), WEA (West European Alliance), WLF (World Liberation Front), and AC (American Confederacy) are at war for control of the remaining already harder to find resources as well as the preservation of their nations and geopolitical interests. Welcome to Deep Impact.
Deep Impact (formerly European Conflict) is a total conversion mod for zero hour started by the EC Team and now developed by No Life Studios. The mod will add four new factions with two playable divisions:
The AC - American Confederacy
1. Armor Command - Heavy ground vehicles. Strong air support. Limited infantry, defenses and air-to-air.
2. Airforce Command - Advanced drones. Heavy air units. Strong defenses. Limited ground units.
The WEA - West European Alliance
1. Continental Defense - Heavy defenses. Deployable defensive units. Heavy infantry. Strong gunships. Limited assault units.
2. Mechanized Assault - Strong defenses. Strong infantry and vehicle combos. Limited air units.
The ADF - Asian Democratic Federation
1. Ballistics Command - Powerful artillery. Heavy base defenses. Limited infantry and air units.
2. Electronic Warfare Command - Heavy use of hacking, electronic disruption and tesla weapons. Weaker individual units.
The WLF - World Liberation Front
1. Cobra Cell - Toxins and status effect weapons. Strong in numbers and combined arms. Weak as individuals.
2. Scorpion Cell - Suicide and stealth/ambush tactics. Weak in direct engagements.